
Showing posts from June, 2024

Let the President do the right thing on Finance Bill 2024, Lobby says

  Suba Development Forum Coordinator Bernard Okebe address residents of Gwasi during a past function-Photo Courtesy By Dickson Odhiambo June 27, 2024 Let the President do the right thing on Finance Bill 2024, Lobby says President Dr William Ruto has been urged to follow the right procedure on the issue of the controversial Finance Bill 2024. Suba Development Forum, a lobby group tells the President to use the three options available so as to sort out the issue of the Finance Bill 2024 that most Kenyans have rejected and has led to peaceful street protests in various parts of the country. Speaking at Mukuyu in Gwasi within Homa Bay County, Suba Development Forum Coordinator Bernard Okebe says the three options available for the President include assenting the bill into law, leave it to and it becomes a law after 14 days or send it back to Parliament with amendments he has proposed. Okebe says the President has no powers to withdraw the Bill as it is currently. The Coordina

Create more enabling environment to work with the Govt

  Cabinet Secretary in charge of ICT and Digital Economy Eliud Owalo during today's Sunday Mass at St Christina Kogola Catholic Parish in Nyakach.With him is AFA Director Samuel Ong'ow, Postal Corporation Chairperson Rose Nyamunga, Former Nyakach MP Polyns Ochieng{Daima} and SASRA Chairperson Jack Ranguma-Photo Courtesy By Dickson Odhiambo   June 16, 2024   Create more enabling environment to work with the Govt   The residents of Nyanza region are urged to help in creating an enabling environment to work with the current Kenya Kwanza Government for more development activities to be realized in the region.   ICT and Digital Economy Cabinet Secretary Eliud Owalo says President Dr William Ruto means well for Nyanza region just like any other region in the country where he has set his eyes and earmarked development activities taking place.   Owalo says upon resuming office in September 2022 after the General Election, the President launched a multi-Billion Kabonyo/Kanyagwal Aquacul

Govt told to take public participation seriously on the new finance Bill

  NCCK Nyanza Regional Chairperson Bishop Dr. John Haung Godia address the press in Kisumu where he urged the Govt to take the process of public participation seriously on the issue of Finance Bill 2024-Photo Courtesy By Dickson Odhiambo   June 12,2024   Govt told to take public participation seriously on the new finance Bill   THE Kenya Kwanza Government has been told to  take the process of public Participation seriously on the issue of the Finance Bill 2024.   The National Council of Churches in Kenya{NCCK} says they commend the Finance and Budget Committee members of the national assembly for the extensive public participation on the Finance Bill 2024.   Addressing the press in Kisumu Nyanza regional NCCK Chairperson Bishop Dr John Haung Godia said there is need for the committee to take views  that members of public gave seriously.   Godia says the position of the NCCK remains that the finance bill 2024 should be one that inspires hopes to Kenyans and not one that brings frustrati

KEG/GIZ train more Journalists on effective climate change reporting

  Some Journalists and Stakeholders during the Kenya Editors Guild/GIZ training on Climate Change Reporting-Photo Courtesy By Dickson Odhiambo June 10, 2024 KEG/GIZ train more Journalists on effective climate change reporting The Kenya Editors Guild and the GIZ  Kenya  have trained more journalists on the issue of effective climate change reporting. The about 30 journalists based in Kisumu, Vihiga and Kakamega counties converged in Kisumu for the two days training that took place this June 6 and 7. The Kenya Editors Guild Programs Officer Ken Bosire says they are currently training 150 journalists in Kisumu, Nairobi and Mombasa on how tackle climate change reporting within their areas of coverage and beyond. Bosire says about 1,000 journalists across the country will be trained by the end of this year. He says the training is supported by the GIZ and target to train the scribes and equip them with knowledge on climate change reporting. Bosire says a training manual has been developed b

Teach children importance of growing trees at early age

  Parents, Teachers and Pupils of both Disi and Nyomwaro Primary schools plant trees during this year's World Environmental Day held at Disi Primary school-Story and Photo By Dickson Odhiambo June 7, 2024 Teach children importance of growing trees at early age There need to teach children the importance of growing trees at early age of their lives as far as the issue of environmental conservation is concerned. Two residents of Kochogo South Sub-location in Nyando constituency in Nyando says by teaching the children the issue of growing trees at an early age will help them know environmental conservation is a very vital thing. Addressing the residents of Kochogo South Sub-Location during this year’s world Environmental Day held at Disi Primary school organized by the Habitat for Humanity Kenya, Jecinter Atieno, a resident from Kochogo South Sub-Location said parents and teachers should teach the children the aspect of growing trees at early age. Atieno who is a Community

Counties told to align their CIDPs in line with Medium Term Plan Four and BETA Agenda

  Cabinet Secretary for ICT and Digital Economy Eliud Owalo address the stakeholders during sensitization workshop on Medium Term Plan Four in Kisumu today-Photo Courtesy By Dickson Odhiambo June 4, 2024 Counties told to align their CIDPs in line with Medium Term Plan Four and BETA Agenda County Governments across the Republic have been told to align their Counties Integrated Development Programs {CIDPs} in line with the Medium Term Plan Four and Bottom Up Transformation Agenda. Cabinet Secretary in charge of ICT and Digital Economy Eliud Owalo says by doing this it will help the county Governments  to go in tandem with the Bottom Up Transformation Agenda{BETA} and the Medium Term Plan Four that the Kenya Kwanza Government is currently implementing. Addressing Stakeholders during today dissemination forum on the Medium Term Plan Four in Kisumu, Cabinet Secretary in charge of ICT and Digital Economy Eliud Owalo said the MTP four has identified integral programs. He says the