
Showing posts from July, 2024

Kenyan-Canadian Diaspora Root for Raila's AUC Chairmanship bid

            Raila Odinga  signing off his AUC Chair application documents recently-Photo Courtesy By Dickson Odhiambo   August 1, 2024   Kenyan-Canadian Diaspora Root for Raila's AUC Chairmanship bid   Kenyans staying in Canada have thrown their weight behind Raila Odinga’s bid as the next African Union Commission Chairperson.   The Diaspora say they strongly support Odinga’s African Union Commission (AUC) Chairperson candidature.    Led by Reverend Dr. Okoth Otura, a long time Odinga's confidant and Cornel Wasonga, the Kenyan- Canadian Diaspora says Odinga is a veteran politician who has been in the realm of Kenyan politics and political arena for decades.   “He is a true patriot, Pan Africanists and relentless champion of democracy and undoubtedly the father of democracy in Kenya. Odinga has served as Prime Minister of Kenya, a Cabinet Minister, and many years as a Member of Parliament for Lang'ata Constituency in Nairobi and opposition leader in

Re-appoint Owalo to the cabinet, Nyanza UDA members urge President Ruto

UDA Members from Nyanza region address the press in Kisumu today where they have urged President Ruto to re-appoint Eliud Owalo to the cabinet citing his competence as the Cabinet Secretary in charge of ICT and Digital Economy-Story and Photo By Dickson Odhiambo July 22, 2024 Re-appoint Owalo to the cabinet, Nyanza UDA members urge President Ruto The Ruling Party United Democratic Alliance {UDA} members in Nyanza region have urged President Dr William Ruto to re-appoint to the cabinet the immediate former Cabinet Secretary in charge of ICT and Digital Economy Eliud Owalo. Led by Luke Ouko Kirindo{UDA} Coordinator in Kisumu County, Edwin Gor representing Professionals in Kisumu County, Waore Diang’a, Chairman Lake Basin Development Authority, Beatrice Oranga, Director Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Citizens Affairs and John Odek Coordinator UDA in Homa Bay County, the UDA Members from Nyanza region Owalo has packaged himself to be a non-partisan Cabinet Secretary who

President told to appoint Competent Cabinet

  Former President of the East African Law Society Lawyer James Aggrey Mwamu at his office in Kisumu today where he has asked President Ruto to appoint a competent cabinet- Story and Photo By Dickson Odhiambo July 19, 2024 President told to appoint Competent Cabinet   President Dr. William Ruto has been told to appoint a Cabinet that is competent, transparent and one that will reflect the face of Kenya. Former President of the East African Law Society Lawyer James Aggrey Mwamu the Cabinet that was recently dismissed lacked competency, adding that Kenyans want to see people who can deliver be appointed in the next cabinet. Addressing the press at his office in Kisumu today, Mwamu said the President should constitute a cabinet that will also represent different regions of Kenya. He says the Cabinet dismissed recently majorly comprised of people from two regions. Mwamu says the President must also consider appointing the youth, persons with disability in the next cabinet.

Supkem Tells President Ruto not to bow to pressure while appointing new Cabinet

Leaders of the Supreme Council of Kenyan Muslims Western Kenya Region address the press in Kisumu where they have urged President Dr William Ruto not to bow to pressure while appointing the new Cabinet-Story and Photo By Dickson Odhiambo July 16, 2024 Supkem Tells President Ruto not to bow to pressure while appointing new Cabinet The Supreme Council of Kenyan Muslims has urged President Dr. William Ruto not to bow to intense pressure when he will be appointing the new cabinet. The Supreme Council of Kenyan Muslims{Supkem} Western Kenya region leadership says after the President's recent dissolution of the cabinet, a section of political class from various communities have begun intense lobbying for reinstatement of some of the sacked Cabinet Secretaries. Addressing the press in Kisumu after holding a meeting, Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims {Supkem} Western Kenya regional Organizing Secretary Sheikh Juma Musa Asmani said while constituting the new cabinet, President Ruto s

Ksm ODM Party officials supports Raila’s dialogue call

  Kisumu County ODM Officials led by their chairman Paul Akeyo address the press today where they have supported ODM Party leader Raila Odinga's call for national dialogue-Story and Photo By Dickson Odhiambo July 11, 2024 Ksm ODM Party officials supports Raila’s dialogue call The Orange Democratic Movement {ODM} Party officials in Kisumu County have thrown their weight behind their Party Leader Raila Odinga following his renewed calls for National dialogue. Led by Kisumu County ODM Chairman Paul Akeyo, the ODM officials and supporters said they are fully behind their Party Leader Raila Odinga’s who has renewed calls for national dialogue to find an amicable solution to the problems bedeviling this country. Addressing the press in Kisumu today, they said Odinga has always been on the right side of history hence has always wanted peace that emanates from genuine national dialogue. They say Odinga has always wanted to see this country remaining a united national hence has al

400 Community Members in Nyando get sensitized on economic empowerment to reduce cases of GBV

  Nyando Social Justice Center Convener Carren Omanga address members of the community from Nyando Sub-County who have been trained from two wards on the issue of Table Banking as a means of economic empowerment following support from barefoot law-Story and Photo By Dickson Odhiambo  July 9, 2024 400 Community Members in Nyando get sensitized on economic empowerment  to reduce cases of GBV A total of 400 Members  of the Community from Nyando Sub-County in Kisumu County have been sensitized on the issue of economic empowerment to help reduces cases of Gender Based Violence. The 400 who are from the two wards within Nyando Sub County namely Ahero ward and East/Kano Wawidhi ward have been trained on impact of table banking and merry go round as economic empowerment activities within the community. Addressing the participants during the two day event held at East/Kano Wawidhi and Ahero wards respectively, Nyando Social Justice Center Convener Carren Omanga said the two days dialogue has be

120 Exhibitors expected at this year’s ASK Ksm Regional Show

  The Chairman of ASK Kisumu Regional Show George Ong'udi{R} and other officials tour one of the exhibition site at the Kisumu's Mamboleo Showground in preparation of the opening of the Show that will be this July 24 to 28. A total of 120 exhibitors are expected to show case their items-Story and Photo By Dickson Odhiambo July 3, 2024 120 Exhibitors expected at this year’s ASK Ksm Regional Show About 120 exhibitors are expected to showcase their items during this year’s Agricultural Society of Kenya Kisumu Regional Show. The Chairman of the ASK Kisumu Regional Show George Ong’udi says the Show will opens its gates this July 24 to 28 at the Mamboleo Showground. Addressing the press today at the Mamboleo Showground in Kisumu, Ong’udi said this year’s theme is on promoting Climate Smart Agriculture and Trade Initiatives for sustainable Economic Growth. The chairman says among the 120 exhibitors, 30 of them are new. He says there will be animal auction quality animals