
Showing posts from October, 2024

Court has jurisdiction to hear and determine DP’s impeachment

Former President of the East African Law Society James Aggrey Mwamu address the press at his office in Kisumu- Story and Photo By Dickson Odhiambo     October 15, 2024 Court has jurisdiction to hear and determine DP’s impeachment The Court has a jurisdiction to hear and determine Deputy President Rigathy Gachagua’s impeachment case should Senate uphold the National Assembly’s decision and he moves to court challenge it. Former President of the East Africa Law Society James Mwamu says some legal practitioners have been misleading the public that courts have no powers to hear and determine the case concerning the impeachment of the Deputy President. Addressing the members of the press at his office in Kisumu, Mwamu says the Senate should give the Deputy President a chance and fully hear him during the impeachment motion that is now before it. Mwamu says there is no pronouncement from the Courts so far that they have no jurisdiction to hear and determine such matters. “There

Senate urged not to uphold DP’s impeachment

Former President of East African Law Society James Mwamu at his offices in Kisumu today where he addressed the media- Story and Photo By Dickson Odhiambo October 9, 2024 Senate urged not to uphold DP’s impeachment The Senate has been urged not to uphold the National Assembly’s decision to impeach the Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua. Former President of the East African Law Society James Aggrey Mwamu says there are no sufficient grounds that can make the Senate to uphold the yesterday’s Parliament decision to impeach the Deputy President on the 11 counts tabled before the House. Mwamu says the National Assembly did not consider the evidence that the Deputy President gave before it yesterday during the debate on the impeachment motion. Mwamu says the Deputy President presented sufficient evidence to Parliament and he should have been heard and given the benefit of doubt before being impeached. The Former East African Law Society President says it is like the decision to imp

M-PESA Foundation supports education projects in three counties

Ushiriki Wema Patron, Tessie Mudavadi (left) with Wangechi Gichuki, Head of Legal and Secretarial Services at Safaricom, at the ground breaking ceremony at Chekombero Special School in Vihiga-Photo Courtesy By Dickson Odhiambo October 4,2024 M-PESA Foundation supports education projects in three counties Learners at Chekombero Special School for the Deaf in Vihiga County, Mesabisabi Primary School in Kisii County and Myanga Primary School in Bungoma County are set to improve their education outcomes following infrastructure and equipment support from M-PESA and Safaricom Foundations. At Chekombero Special School in Vihiga, M-Pesa Foundation broke ground on an infrastructure project worth KES 50 million, which will entail the renovation, construction and furnishing of classrooms, dormitories, an administration block, an ICT lab, a kitchen and dining hall. The foundation will also drill and develop a borehole as well as construct sanitation facilities for learners and staff. “A

Parliament should reject DP’s impeachment motion

  Former President of the East African Law Society James Aggrey Mwamu at his office in Kisumu-Photo and Story By Dickson Odhiambo October 1, 2024  Parliament should reject DP’s impeachment motion Parliament has been urged to totally reject a motion that is to be tabled today targeting the impeachment of the Deputy President Rigathi Gachagwa. Former President of the East African Law Society Lawyer James Aggrey Mwamu says the Deputy President has not in any way engage in an act of gross misconduct that warrants his removal from office through impeachment as enshrined in article 150 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010. Mwamu says by the Deputy President calling for resource allocation for Mount Kenya region does not in any way amount to gross misconduct. Mwamu says if some people are saying the DP should have advocated for the delivery of services to other parts of the country is okay but does not amount to gross misconduct, breach serious crime committed under the law and does