Miringo residents in Nyando reject 'illegal' access road


A Farm Manager George Opiyo points at one of the places that has been demarcated for the construction of an access road within Miringo area in Nyando Sub-County. The Road will pass through a number of homes and farms hence being opposed by the affected persons-Story and Photo By Dickson Odhiambo

September 5, 2024

Miringo residents in Nyando reject 'illegal' access road

The residents of Miringo area within Nyando Constituency have appealed to the Government to immediately intervene and save them about an access road that is to be constructed but has affected their homes since it will pass through.

The about 30 residents of the Kakmie Miringo area in Awasi/Onjiko Ward say the access road that will lead up to Ger Liech school should never be constructed there claiming that place is not the official one according to the old maps from the Ministry of lands and have since rejected it in its totality terming it as illegal.

Addressing the press within the area today to register their displeasure with a section of surveyors from the Ministry of Lands Nyando Sub County offices who conducted a survey and made demarcations on where the road is supposed to pass through, the residents claim that they have been seriously affected by the issue.

A farm manager within one of the farms that have been affected George Opiyo who spoke to the press said the exercise was carried out even without informing them to be part of it.

Opiyo says they have now been given a 14 day notice verbally to remove their properties along the demarcated area to pave the way for the construction of the access road.

He says about 15 homes have been affected by the issue of demarcating the places earmarked for the construction of the access roads.

He says his house at their home has been earmarked and will soon be demolished after the 14 days verbal notice elapses.

Nicholas Onyango Omoro. a resident of the area has appealed to the area Member of County Assembly and Nyando Member of Parliament to intervene.

Richard  Owino, President Nyando Bunge la Wanainchi who visited the place says the process of Public participation should be carried out before such like a project is implemented, adding that seeking views of the residents within the area is very important indeed.

Joash Ouya, Speaker Kisumu County Bunge La Wanainchi says he supports the move of  the residents who have rejected the project.

The residents have threatened to hold a peaceful demonstration to show their displeasure with the yet to be implemented project.

One of the plots that have been seriously affected by the demarcation is a farm belonging to Reverend Dr Okoth Otura whose part of the plot has been surveyed and the access road will pass through.

Otura who is an ardent confidant of Raila Odinga says at the time he bought the plot, the initial map from the Ministry of lands offices did not have an access road passing through it.

Otura has now instructed his lawyer Peter Warindu to take up the matter and ensure it is pursued to logical conclusion.

The residents suspect that some two powerful individuals are behind the issue while claiming they have bribed some Government officers to ensure that the access road passes through their homes and farms.

Efforts to reach the Nyando Sub-County Ministry of Lands officials at Awasi bore no fruit.





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