President Ruto urged not to Micromanage the new Cabinet


Former President of the East African Law Society Lawyer James Aggrey Mwamu at his Kisumu office where he addressed the press-Story and Photo By Dickson Odhiambo

August 16, 2024

President Ruto urged not to Micromanage the new Cabinet

President Dr William Ruto has been urged not to micromanage the new Cabinet that he nominated and Parliament recently approved before being appointed.

Former President of the Law Society of East Africa Lawyer James Aggrey Mwamu says one of the things that some of the Cabinet Secretaries who have been sacked complained about is the issue of micromanagement.

Addressing the press at his Kisumu office, Mwamu said the President has not been delegating enough duties to his previous cabinet.

Mwamu says the President should now let the new cabinet function since he has also appointed people from the Opposition side to his cabinet to help him deliver his manifesto.

“The President should now allow the Cabinet functions since he has appointed people from the Opposition side. Let him allow the Cabinet to function independently not independently in the sense that they are independent but once you have given people the responsibility allow and given them a chance to operate,” Mwamu says.

Mwamu claim that a number of the immediate former Cabinet Secretaries have complained about their Ministries being controlled from State House, adding that some appointments within some ministries used to come from state house as well gazetment made without awareness of some Cabinet Secretaries.

“In some instances, some Cabinet Secretaries have complained about money being allocated for projects from state house without the knowledge of the Cabinet Secretaries therefore you don’t have a free hand,” Mwamu adds.

Mwamu has advised President Ruto to fully emulate former President Jomo Kenyatta and Mwai Kibaki who gave their Ministers a chance to work freely without undue interference from him.

“Once former President Jomo Kenyatta gave a job to a Minister for example Dr Taita Towet who served as the Minister for Education, Kenyatta could simply send you directly to him so as to sort out issue within the Ministry of education,” Mwamu further says.

Mwamu says delegation of duties is a good thing that President Ruto should emulate for running the country smoothly.

“When you delegate duties, you give people a chance to have confidence that they are equal up to the task they have been given to perform so that when anything happens they are there to take full responsibility,” Mwamu adds.

At the same time, Mwamu has urged the President to fully concentrate serving the country while working on the issues of reducing inflation in the country, adding that time for politicking is long gone.

“The President should also working on how to reduce the Public and domestic debts. This is very important because it must be balance the way such that the business people are not overburdened by taxes,” the former President of the East African Law Society further adds.

Mwamu has lauded the President’s recent move by appointed four people from the opposition party to the cabinet, adding that it is a great plus for the President when he appointed the first ever female Attorney General since Independence.


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