School in Nyando incur Loses due to destruction from heavy rains

Part of the building at St Christopher Kolunga Primary school that has been destroyed by wind that accompanied heavy rains yesterday-Photo Courtesy

By Dickson Odhiambo


November 2, 2023


School in Nyando incur Loses due to destruction from heavy rains


Heavy Rains witnessed yesterday night in Nyando Sub-County has caused destruction to some  homes and a school.


According to the Chairman of the Board of Management of the school Moses Warah, the heavy rains that pounded the area of Onjiko/Awasi ward caused destruction to St Christopher’s Kolunga Primary school.


He says the  school has incurred an estimated loss of shs 2.9Million after the heavy down pour accompanied by hailstone caused destruction to some of its classrooms.


He says the incident has seen four class rooms roofs blown off, adding that the classes whose roofs have been blown off include the Early Child hood Education{ECD} and that which houses Junior Secondary school.


Warah says about 200 learners will be affected by the destruction, adding that the heavy rains have also caused destruction to the water tanks, Teachers quarters as well as walls of other class rooms.


The Board of Management Chair says the incident has taken place barely hours after the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education{KCPE} and KPSEA exams concluded yesterday.


Another private school within Nyando area has its roof blown off following the heavy down pour witnessed last night.


The school adjacent to Ahero Vocational Training Center has some of the roofs blown off.


At Ahero  market within Nyando Sub-County, an electricity Pole fell on the ground as a result of the very heavy wind witnessed when it rained heavily.


The pole fell just next to the high mast that provide security light to the Market.


Residents have appealed to the Kenya Power to repair the pole immediately.


Within Onjiko/Awasi ward, a number of Homes have their roofs blown off as well as some tree brought down by the strong wind that accompanied the heavy rains.


The area has not witnessed such kind of rain in the recent past.



  1. Sorry to the community around kolunga primary school.... #kisumu county government kindly intervene.


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