26 MCAs in Kisumu threaten to remove Leader of Majority and chief whip.

 A section of MCAs in  Kisumu County Assembly addressing the press in Kisumu today where they said 26 MCAs have signed a petition to remove majority leader and Majority Chief whip for alleged failure to unite the Assembly members-Photo By Dickson Odhiambo.

By Dickson Odhiambo

February 21, 2019.

26 MCAs in Kisumu threaten to remove Leader of Majority and chief whip.

A TOTAL of 26 Members of the County Assembly of Kisumu allied to the Orange Democratic Movement Party have threatened to remove the Majority Leader and the Chief whip.

They claim the leader of majority party at the Assembly Ken Onyango and the Chief Whip Gad Olima have failed in their duties among them alleged failure to unite the Members of the County Assembly from the Majority political party which is the Orange Democratic Movement{ODM} party.

Addressing the press at the County Assembly of Kisumu precinct today, the MCAs led by Roy Samo from Kajulu ward said the 26 of them have signed a petition to remove the duo as their leaders in the House.

The MCAs say they will also approach the Orange Democratic Party on the matter.

“26 of us within the Kisumu County Assembly have signed a petition to remove the majority if he does not change on the way he is doing things within this Assembly. We are also going to approach the party on this matter,” they say.

The MCAs also say the other leader they are going to remove from his position is the Chief Whip Gad Olima whom they have also accused of not doing his work properly within the Assembly.

“If these two leaders can’t serve us well and bring unity within the Assembly then will surely remove them from their seats and elect new leaders within the Assembly,” they add.

They add that they are still giving the two leaders to see a way forward towards the unity of the members of the County Assembly who are the majority within the Assembly failure to which they will remove them as signed in the petition.

The MCAs have also sent a strong warning to the County Assembly Speaker Onyango Oloo whom they have accused of giving a lot of lee way to the current majority leader Ken Onyango whom the add the Speaker have failed to contain during the sessions.

“We are giving a warning to the Speaker whom we dearly love and we support but want him to control a few members who think they have a room to cause chaos in the Assembly,” they further say.

Kisumu County Assembly Leader of Majority Kenneth Onyango and the Majority Chief Whip Gad Olima who both visited the Assembly immediately after the press briefing said they could not comment on the matter until they get details on the accusation.

They promised to convene a press briefing to react on the issue later once they get full details of the allegations.

However, the MCAs who have addressed the press today have maintained that the recent removal of the Chair of the Budget and appropriation committee Stephen Owiti was done in accordance to the law.

They say the immediate former Chair of the Budget was removed after 10 members of the committee out of 15 signed a petition to remove him as the chair on January 25 this year.

“What is being propagated outside there that the immediate former Chair was removed without following due process is not true because all due processes were followed before his removal,” the MCAs further say,” they say.

The New Chairperson for the Budget and Appropriation Committee Judith Atieno Ogaga says she is equal to the task given to her after being the elected the new chair of the committee.

Ogaga says the allegation that the Speaker of the County Assembly is the one trying to interfere with the works of the various committees by removing members is untrue and farfetched.

“Let us work together in unity as the Members of the County Assembly of Kisumu so that we do the right things because we are answerable to the public,” Ogaga says.

She maintains that her election as the new Chair of the Budget Committee was done while following the due process of the law.

On Monday this week, Chaos erupted at the County Assembly of Kisumu when the new budget committee chair was being sworn-in as some MCAs protested the move while claiming that it was not procedural.

However, the County Assembly Speaker intervened and the new Chair for the Budget Committee was sworn-in and the proceedings of the Assembly during that day went on.



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