Mwalimu National Sacco Kisumu branch long serving chair retires.

 The Long serving chair for Mwalimu National Sacco Dan Omotto addressing the media in Kisumu.He has now retired after serving for 18 years-Photo By Dickson Odhiambo.

 By Dickson Odhiambo

February 10, 2019.

Mwalimu National Sacco Kisumu branch long serving chair retires.

THE Long serving Chairman of the Mwalimu National Savings and Credit Cooperative Society for Kisumu/Nyando Branch has finally retired.

Dan Omotto who has served the Sacco for 18 years of which 15 as the chairman, one year as a vice chair and 2 years as a delegate has retired after his term has expired.

Addressing the press in Kisumu where he announced his retirement as the Chair of the branch after his term expired, Omotto said he has also been promoted as the Deputy Principal of Ringa Boys High School in Homa Bay County.

He has been at Kisumu Girls High School where he has taught for many years while also serving as the branch’s chair.

Omotto says he is happy to serve as the Chair of Mwalimu National Sacco Kisumu/Nyando branch for a period of 15 years and three years as a delegate.

He has thanked all the Sacco delegates for having trust in him thereby electing him for a period of 15 years as their chair.

“I am very much thankful for the support fellow teachers have been giving me and electing me as their chair for the last 18 of which two I served as a delegate and one as a vice chair. This has been a very great honor and now I am retiring as the chair because my term has expired,” Omotto says.

Omotto says the Sacco has invested heavily in buying land and distribute to members who have invested in this.

“We have managed to buy many plots within Kisumu City and our members have immensely benefited from this initiative which they have invested. This has been a good gesture because investing in a home a very important thing,” Omotto adds.

He has urged those who have been elected to work together as a team for the prosperity of the Sacco.
Omotto adds that the new officials should maintain the unity which has been in existence within the Sacco for many years it has been in place.

The outgoing chair joined the leadership in Kisumu/Nyando branch of Mwalimu National Sacco in the year 2001 as a delegate where he served for two years.

He then became the Vice Chairman of the Branch where he served for one year before taking over the leadership of the branch for 15 years uninterrupted till this month of February when he officially retired after his term expired.



  1. Congratulations Dan Omotto for the job well done. You have served selflessly.

  2. Great job done. Congratulations

  3. Congratulations, my dear brother, for a work well done!

  4. Dawn of wise leadership and ushering in of a focused team.

  5. Congrats Mr omotto for a job well done

  6. Congratulations for the great job over the years.

  7. I Thank You all for congratulating the chair Mwalimu Sacco Ksm/Nyando Branch.He has really done a good job.

  8. Fantastic . Sacco will miss you odijo

  9. Good job except the land ownership that some teachers are yet to get papers and develop.
    Some plots are situated in very hostile environment and teachers are unable to develop despite full payment. Clear this as u hand over the mantle to saoke team

  10. Mwalimu is a big sacco and next election you need to improve the system not allowing a list of participants to help elect wrong people to the delicate post!
    Transparency, truth and faithfulness to the call of being a teacher!

  11. Thank you all for your comments. Am humbled by your sentiments. I'll definitely make a follow up on outstanding issues. But am happy the leadership of the Sacco has remained intact except for me and my former colleagues from the municipality who have been drlocalidel to other regions. Mr Saoke is up to the task and am sure he will setse members effectively. Long live Mwalimu National Sacco.

  12. Congratulations my boss for doing a good job. Welcome to Ringa Boys Jatelo.
    We are proud of you sir!

  13. You have definitely done a good job. Not easy to be at the helm for that long if not for your efficiency & effectiveness. Congratulations Brother.


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