Employ new teachers on permanent basis, Kuppet tells government.

Kuppet Kisumu County Executive Secretary Zablon Awange at his office in Kisumu today.He says the Government should employ new teachers on permanent basis-Photo By Dickson Odhiambo.

By Dickson Odhiambo

 February 5, 2019.

 Employ new teachers on permanent basis, Kuppet tells government.

THE Government has been urged to employ new teachers on permanent and pensionable basis and not on contact.

The Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers {KUPPET} says there is no need for the Government to consider employing new teachers to schools on contract basis so as to help addressing the deficit.

KUPPET Executive Secretary for Kisumu County Zablon Awange says the recent sentiment by the Chairman of the Kenya Secondary Schools Heads Association {KESSHA} Kahi Indimuli urging the government to employ new teachers on contract basis is uncalled for.

Awange says the issue of 100 percent transitional rate of class eight pupils to form ones in secondary schools will only be possible if enough teachers are employed on permanent and pensionable basis.
He says the current percentage of shortage of teachers across the country is very high and it must be addressed.

He adds that Kisumu County alone is not having the shortage of teachers at 39 percent but stands between 45 and 55 percent.

Awange says teachers can’t be employed on contract basis to address the shortage of teachers across the country.

“The Government should employ about 20,000 new teachers across the country so as to help in addressing the shortage of teachers in the country,” Awange says.

He says the current 5000 teachers who have been employed by the Government is not enough since teachers service commission has already alluded that about 12,000 teachers should be employed yearly.

“If Teachers service commission has already alluded that 12,000 teachers needed to be employed annually. How then has the government employed only 5,000 in one year?” Awange asks.

Awange says already there are several teachers who have graduated and have overstayed without being employed by the government, adding that they should be employed and posted to various schools.

He says the Government should consider even sourcing for funds from World Bank so as to employ new teachers across the country.

Awange says the Government should harmonize teachers’ salaries across the country, adding that there is no need for some teachers to earn hardship allowances and others do not earn, adding some teachers some teachers within same area in Kisumu city earn house allowances for the city while others do not earn such despite being in the same area.



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