Residents of Kadem in Migori threaten to sue Government over irrigation land

 Part of the paddy field at Lower Kuja Irrigation Scheme within Kadem area in Migori County where the local residents have threatened to sue the Government to compensate them for their land-Photo By Dickson Odhiambo

 By Dickson Odhiambo

July 15, 2020

Residents of Kadem in Migori threaten to sue Government over irrigation land

Residents of Sagama area of Kadem in Migori County have threatened to sue the Government while seeking for compensation about their land that have been taken for a Rice Irrigation project within the area.

They residents now want the Government to compensate them for the land that has been issued for the Lower Kuja Irrigation Project.

Addressing the press at Ageng’a Chief’s Camp during last Weekend when a team of lawyers visited them and donated food and other items to them as flood victims, the residents led by Michael Tengo said they are very much disappointed by the mismanagement of the scheme which has made water to overflow from the main canal thus causing floods within the area.

He says a number of homes have been destroyed and they have been displaced and now staying away from their homes.

“The water Canal that is coming from upper Kuja to this our place has really caused us havoc because from November last year we have been displaced by the overflowing water from the canal which has really destroyed our homes leaving us homeless,” he says

They are now seeking to be compensated for the losses they have incurred and have appealed to the lawyers under the banner of Okil Kamaloka Welfare Association {OKWA} to take up the matter to court seeking legal redress.

They have complained that their parcels of land have been taken away by the Government for rice growing without any form of compensation, adding that the parcels of land include block three within the area.

Lawyer Ken Okong'o, a member of the Okil Kamaloka Welfare Association says he will institute legal proceedings against the Government while seeking the local community to be compensated.

Lawyer Okong’os sentiment have been echoed his colleague James Aggrey Mwamu who has said the association will provide lawyers to institute the case against Government in regard to the issue.

Lower Kuja Irrigation Scheme Manager Nesline Ogwe was not available for comment on the matter by the time of going to press.



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